Homecoming is Friday, October 11. The high school and the elementary school will celebrate Homecoming with spirit days beginning on Monday, October 7. Each campus is slightly different. Please see the schedule below for the assigned days.
Would you like to be a substitute for McCrory School District?
The Willsub staff will be in the administration office to help anyone who would like to apply. They will assist in all paperwork and answer any questions you may have. Just stop by 509 North Jackson Street, in McCrory on Wednesday October 2nd from 1:30 - 3:30 p.m.
High School picture day is tomorrow (10/1). Orders must be placed by picture day. Order forms were sent out last week through your child's English teachers.
***MES, your picture day is Friday 10/18***
Parents, this Monday is the last day to fill out a meal application today and be entered into a $100 drawing. Apply online at https://mccroryschools.org/cafeteria or pick up a paper copy from the office.
**Anyone who has already turned in an application since July 1, 2024, has been entered into the drawing.
Congratulations to our golf team for their hard work yesterday in the district tournament!
Attention Cheer Cub parents: Due to Friday's forecast, Cheer Cubs have been postponed to October 25. Cheer Cubs will perform at halftime of the Pink Out game. More information will be coming soon. - Mrs. Baker
The Health and Wellness Committee had its first meeting on 9/23/24. The next scheduled meeting is 10/16/24 @ 3:30 in the HS Cafeteria.
Peewee Basketball Meeting Monday, September 30th, 5:30 pm, HS gym.
Let's wish our Sr High golfers good luck today at the District Tournament!! Go Jags!!
Would you like to be a substitute for McCrory School District?
The Willsub staff will be in the administration office to help anyone who would like to apply. They will assist in all paperwork and answer any questions you may have. Just stop by 509 North Jackson Street, in McCrory on Wednesday October 2nd from 1:30 - 3:30 p.m.
Cheer Cub practice begins today. Practices are Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday from 4:30-5:30 in the elementary gym. Performance is Friday, September 27.
The flu clinic is 10/16. Forms going will be going home this week. Forms must be returned to the school nurse by Wednesday, October 9 for your child to receive a flu shot at the school. Pre-K parents must be present for their child to receive their flu shot. K-12 parents do not have to be present for their child to receive the shot. If you have any questions you may contact the nurse through the school app.
This week ended with an abundance of positive office referrals! Please help us congratulate these students!
Parents, please remember that our fall Parent/Teacher Conferences are Monday. Students will not report to school. Conferences are 12-6 (MES) 1-7 (MHS)
We hope our students enjoy their 3-day weekend.
We will have our Annual Report to the Public on Monday, September, 23. The meeting will take place at 5:30 p.m. in the Administration Building. The regularly scheduled September board meeting will follow. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend or watch online.
As a district we are blessed with the best! Thank you so all you do, Chris!
The Junior class at McCrory High School began their fundraiser today to raise money for the Jr/Sr Prom that will be this spring. They are using the same company that the juniors used last year. All juniors have a catalog that they would be happy to show you. Also, you can order online by going to needsyoursupport.org and using the group ID CF3D7. Choose the catalog that says "Heartland: Goodies & Gifts" Please help the juniors as they work to raise money for this year's prom.
Next Monday (9/23/24) will be our fall Parent/Teacher Conferences. Students will not report to school. Conferences are 12-6 (MES) 1-7 (MHS). Please contact your child's teacher through the school app for more information.
Our senior high team takes on the Clarendon Lions tonight at Jaguar Stadium! Gates open at 6p, kickoff at 7p. Only the front gates will be open. The back gate will be closed.
Come out and cheer on the Jaguars!!
Parents, fill out a meal application today and be entered into a $100 drawing. Apply online at https://mccroryschools.org/cafeteria or pick up a paper copy from the office.
**Anyone who has already turned in an application since July 1, 2024, has been entered into the drawing.